The Dishwasher
My time during lockdown has enabled me complete another FutureLearn course on poetry - "Unseen Poetry and the Creative Process". Here I came to learn a skill in finding words to match a story, a sentiment, a feeling, a surprise. I submitted my version of "The View From Here" which I re-titled "The Dishwasher". Here it is with the feedback I received from two other participants on the course.

The rhythmic sound of the dishwasher,
the water trickling,
it’s a sound I’m familiar with,
gently and repetitively
pumping and jetting against the dirty dishes inside.
Yet I’m distracted by my smart phone,
it commands my attention.
I look away to the world outside within the palms of my hands.
It is where I sit,
with the familiarity of a mug of tea,
going places
yet keeping still.
Ellen’s review (feelings, patterns and puzzles) - I think the poet has given a good idea of the familiar (the dishwasher) and the unfamiliar (the world outside). It makes me feel comfortable. I think the poet has given a good idea of the familiar (the dishwasher) and the unfamiliar (the world outside). It makes me feel comfortable.I wonder where she travels on her phone.
Maore’s review (feelings, patterns and puzzles)- The poet makes me feel some relief and to some extent awe, the second stanza," its a sound i'm familiar with gently and repetitively pumping and jetting against the dirty dishes inside." The third stanza come out more wistful with some show of bondage. The poet is very good on how this room is set. The pattern is one that is irregular with pauses(blank spaces) that are very helpful to bring clarity and understanding of the poem. I'm actually puzzled with when the room was set up, the dishes and the mug of tea just throw me off. Which is a very good thing, she proves that poetry is a mystery.
Clanchy K. How to Grow Your Own Poem. London: Pan Macmillan; 2020. Kate’s new book about writing poetry, out in September 2020.
Edited by Esiri A. A Poem for Every Day of the Year. London: Pan Macmillan; 2017. A wonderful collection to sample and enjoy