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Not sure day

I would like a “not sure day”

So that, when I’m asked

“What are you doing today?”

My reply would be

Same as yours

“Not sure today”

So today when I woke up

I realised I hadn’t planned anything to do

And it felt remotely strange and uncertain

So quickly I decided on something

to do, I’ll call it writing a few words to you!

Thirty six years I realised

We been together for thirty six years

Thirty six unimaginable years

Thirty six anticipated years

Thirty six, I didn’t think I would count this far!

It could had been shorter had we not persevered

Now I hope as the days get longer,

We too can grow older

As the season begins to warm

We too can take in the sun

Sunset is a long way off

So today it’s thirty six years

And tomorrow brings in a new day

And should I ask you again

“What are you doing today?”

I expect your reply might be

“Not sure today”



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