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Imagine a world without trees

A landscape devoid of leaves

Or room to nest or shelter

Or help purify the air we breathe

A path stripped of ancient woodland

A field of grassland without rest

To clear our mind of a stressful day

To roam, to walk, to hide and seek

There is no cause no right no reason

To be without the old forest of trees.

Imagine a world without trees

A horizon flattened in a breeze

You’ve heard this sung many a time:

“They took all the trees 
Put 'em in a tree museum

And put up a parking lot”

There is no cause no right no reason

To stop us from hiking or roaming,

wandering or pondering

There is no cause no right no reason

To be without the old forest of trees.

To support the cause Save Potters Crouch Trees I wrote this poem and posted a picture of a tree on my Instagram account @livinghertfordshire every day from December 26th 2023 for 5 days for more publicity.



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