Fondest Goodbyes.......
The news of Rachel's passing shocked all those who knew and loved her so well. A college friend who followed me to England to pursue nursing and become acamplished in her field of urology nursing. On Saturday 20th, almost a month after her death, Lucia Susani and I went to lay down some flowers outside her front door to her flat in Camden. We remembered her. I found these words.

The train pulls in I board Flowers in hand They are for you But I know we shan’t meet. People around me, Who knows of my bereft? As I’m edging closer Where we last met. And I will shortly be arriving Feels unbelievable Who can tell? Your death was so final So sudden so mysterious You didn’t even get to post Your final farewell As you do I mean as you did Those that passed before you! Fondness goodbyes Dear Friend So many speak of you So highly accomplished So generous So friendly We stand proud of you! Fondest goodbyes Dear Rachel Fondest goodbyes!
Rachel Buzuttil Leaver 1962 - 2021