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Sounds of an unquiet mind

Yesterday I attended an event hosted by Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham. The organisers brought together a celebration on mental health affairs through music, art, poetry and prose. I heard words and music from the unknown, now I know the talents of Jamal Khan, Samuel Cole, Emily Harrison, Yasmin Autwal, Lowkey and so many more!

I give tribute to the courage and inspiration of the participants and to one anonymous writer

Sounds of an unquiet mind

My mind is never quiet

I am quiet - my lips don't move

But my mind is racing, racing against time

What is it today?

Death by flight? Death by blade? Death by drug?

Is the voice in my mind friend or foe?

My mind is never quiet

It takes me on adventures

To the highest of heights and the lowest of lows

Sometimes I wish it would stop

Other times I am afraid to let it go

Perhaps it is my only friend

I am quiet but my mind is never quiet

I have already said too much

This morning I found my inspiration, so I wrote these few words.

I have a memory

An evening of music & diversity

Of words spoken in poetry

Defiance of normality

I heard her celebrate her differences and anxieties

I heard him speak of incarceration and escape

I heard them sing

We are strange

No one remembers your name

I heard him speak of being misunderstood

And he said

Hold your head up high and see a better day!

And we were brought together

Not to forget

We are one human race

His words not mine

No matter race, religion or creed

Show equality

Spread peace

And smile!

Picture taken inside Whitechapel Art Gallery

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