Yellow is what I am...

Spray painted banana by Cologne artist, Thomas Baumgartel, also known as Banana Sprayer. Since 1986 and the first sprayed banana on the front wall of a gallery in Cologne, the German art metropolis, the artist has left his signature on more than 4000 locations around the world.
Here's a fruit capable of converting a type of protein in the body into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier. Forget the pills - eat a banana!
And so it's only fitting to turn to someone else's words so eloquently written.
Yellow is what I am happy is what I make you feel.
Use me, then throw me and you'll trip by my peel.
I'm healthy, I'm sweet, If in a hurry, I take seconds to eat.
All on my own, I'm a dish but with peanut butter, I'm delic.
I'm good for your brain I'm good for your heart
There's a reason why monkeys are smart.